When our elementary school welcomed author Philip Cortez, it was as if a magical portal had opened in our library. Mr. Cortez captivated the students with tales from his latest bo...
Grandparents day was filled with stories and as the music played, generations intertwined on the dance floor, with grandparents showing off their best moves and sharing treasured ...
"Fitness Friday" is a fun and engaging way to promote physical activity among teachers, students, and parents. The Aztec comunnity participates together, and encourages healthy ha...
"Students had a blast enjoying refreshing snowcones from Kona Ice under the warm August sun at school. It was the perfect way to cool off, have fun, and celebrate the start of a n...
Introducing our new science lab for Aztec students. This is an exciting opportunity to highlight the hands-on learning experiences our children will gain to make better connectio...
Math Mania Showdown: The Ultimate Elementary Math Bee! The Math Bee is an engaging and thrilling math activity designed to showcase our students' arithmetic skills. During this e...
Unleashing the Power Of Play! We are thrilled to announce that Del Valle Elementary will be hosting a special PE Showcase! This event is designed to give our students an opportun...
We are delighted to share with you that our students recently had the opportunity to participate in a Student Showcase held at our central office. This event was a wonderful platf...